SesameCraft Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

SesameCraft is a mostly vanilla Minecraft server with some optional plugins to enhance gameplay. The server offers a brand new 1.20 experience with features like Essentials, GriefPrevention, GSit, and Homes. It is a community-driven server without economy and player-made shops, focusing on providing a fair and enjoyable experience for all players.

Provocative Review

Creativity: 4.5/5.0 – SesameCraft offers a unique blend of vanilla gameplay with optional plugins, allowing players to customize their experience while still maintaining the essence of Minecraft.

Challenge: 3.5/5.0 – The server strikes a good balance between challenging gameplay and accessibility, catering to both casual and hardcore players.

Community: 5.0/5.0 – The SesameCraft community is welcoming and active, creating a friendly and inclusive environment for players of all ages.

Overall Experience: 4.0/5.0 – SesameCraft provides a refreshing take on vanilla Minecraft, with a strong community and engaging gameplay elements that keep players coming back for more.


Question Answer
Is there a whitelist on the server? No, SesameCraft is open to all players.
Are there any banned items or blocks? The server has a list of banned items to maintain a fair gameplay environment.
How can I apply for staff positions? Staff applications will be available on the server’s website when opened.

Final Thoughts

SesameCraft offers a unique and enjoyable Minecraft experience for players looking for a mostly vanilla server with a strong community. With optional plugins to enhance gameplay and a focus on fairness and inclusivity, SesameCraft is a server worth checking out for both new and experienced players.