Simple Pixelmon Europe Server

Table of Contents

About the Server

Welcome to Simple Pixelmon Europe, a Pixelmon server that focuses on providing a pure gaming experience without any pay-to-win elements. The server offers a simple setup with the Pixelmon Mod and an engaging world to explore in Adventure Mode. With minimal rules and a commitment to fairness, players can enjoy a neutral playing environment where their actions determine their progress.

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5

The server’s focus on simplicity and fairness showcases a creative approach to creating a gaming environment that values player experience over unnecessary features.

Challenge: 3.5

While the server may not have complex rules or gameplay mechanics, the challenge lies in players’ ability to thrive in a neutral setting where their actions have direct consequences.

Community: 4.0

The server’s emphasis on fair play and community-driven interactions fosters a positive environment where players can connect and enjoy the game together.

Overall Experience: 4.0

Simple Pixelmon Europe offers a refreshing take on Pixelmon servers, prioritizing fairness and simplicity to create an enjoyable gaming experience for all players.


Q: Is there a Discord server for Simple Pixelmon Europe?

A: Yes, you can join the Discord server here.

Q: What is the server IP address?

A: The server IP address is

Q: How many players are currently online?

A: The server currently has 0 players online out of a maximum capacity of 0.

Final Thoughts

Simple Pixelmon Europe offers a unique and refreshing gaming experience for players looking for a fair and straightforward Pixelmon server. With a focus on simplicity and community, this server provides a neutral playing environment where players can enjoy the game without any unnecessary distractions. Whether you’re a seasoned Pixelmon player or new to the game, Simple Pixelmon Europe is worth checking out for a different kind of gaming experience.