SniffSMP Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

Server Name: SniffSMP

Server IP:

Description: SniffSMP is a survival multiplayer community server that welcomes new players. The server focuses on providing a fun SMP experience without pay-to-win mechanics. It is a crossplay server, allowing both Java and Bedrock players to join. The server is always up to date with the latest major version (currently 1.20) and offers the ability to create and join different factions.

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5/5.0 – The server offers a variety of creative opportunities for players to explore and express themselves.

Challenge: 3.5/5.0 – The server provides a moderate level of challenge, suitable for players of all skill levels.

Community: 5.0/5.0 – The server has a welcoming and active community that adds to the overall experience.

Overall Experience: 4.0/5.0 – SniffSMP offers a well-rounded and enjoyable Minecraft experience for players.


Q: Is there a Discord server for SniffSMP?

A: Yes, you can join the Discord server here.

Q: Are there any pay-to-win mechanics on the server?

A: No, SniffSMP does not have any pay-to-win mechanics.

Q: Can I join the server from both Java and Bedrock editions?

A: Yes, the server is crossplay and allows players from both editions to join.

Final Thoughts

SniffSMP is a fantastic Minecraft server that offers a fun and engaging experience for players of all ages. With a welcoming community, creative opportunities, and a lack of pay-to-win mechanics, it’s a server worth checking out. Join today and start your adventure on SniffSMP!