Solanacraft Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

Solanacraft is a unique Minecraft server that offers players the opportunity to earn real Solana outside the game by gaining mSol points in-game. With features like randomtp, free land plots, and an active and experienced moderation team, Solanacraft aims to build the best Minecraft community out there. The server has a zero griefing tolerance policy and rewards the top three players each week with real Solana.

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5/5.0 – Solanacraft’s concept of earning real Solana through gameplay is incredibly creative and adds a new level of excitement to the Minecraft experience.

Challenge: 3.5/5.0 – The competition to earn mSol points and qualify for real Solana adds a challenging element to the server, but some players may find it difficult to consistently rank in the top three.

Community: 4.0/5.0 – Solanacraft boasts an active and friendly community, with players coming together to build and explore the virtual world.

Overall Experience: 4.0/5.0 – Solanacraft offers a unique and rewarding experience for Minecraft players looking for something different.


Q: How can I earn mSol points?

A: You can earn mSol points by playing on the server and competing with other players to rank in the top three each week.

Q: How do I redeem mSol points for real Solana?

A: The top three players each week will qualify to redeem their mSol points for real Solana. Only three players can redeem mSol points each week.

Final Thoughts

Solanacraft is a refreshing take on the traditional Minecraft server experience, offering players the chance to earn real rewards for their in-game achievements. With a strong community and unique gameplay features, Solanacraft is definitely worth checking out for any Minecraft enthusiast.