SuperCraft-MC Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

SuperCraft-MC is a new Minecraft server that offers a variety of game modes including Minigames, Economy, SkyBlock, Ranks, Crates, Survival, and MCmmo. The server is dedicated to providing a fun and engaging experience for its players and is constantly working on improving and adding new features.

Server Review

Category Rating Commentary
Creativity 4.5 The server offers a wide range of creative game modes and features that keep players engaged and entertained.
Challenge 3.5 While some game modes provide a good challenge, others may be more relaxed and casual.
Community 5.0 The server has a strong and welcoming community that adds to the overall experience of playing on SuperCraft-MC.
Overall Experience 4.0 SuperCraft-MC offers a diverse range of game modes and a friendly community, making it a great choice for Minecraft players looking for a fun and engaging server.


What game modes are available on SuperCraft-MC?

SuperCraft-MC offers Minigames, Economy, SkyBlock, Ranks, Crates, Survival, and MCmmo.

How can I join the server?

You can join the server by visiting

Is there a Discord server for SuperCraft-MC?

Yes, you can join the Discord server at

Final Thoughts

SuperCraft-MC is a fantastic Minecraft server that offers a wide range of game modes and a welcoming community. Whether you’re looking for a creative challenge or just want to hang out with other players, SuperCraft-MC has something for everyone. Join today and see what adventures await!