Surrealcraft <a href="">Server</a> Details

Surrealcraft Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

Server Name: Surrealcraft

Description: Surrealcraft is a server focused on Factions and PvP. Griefing and raiding are allowed and encouraged. The world border is set 5,000 blocks away from spawn, creating a more condensed world for better raiding opportunities. There is no chest protection, so players must design their bases with security in mind. The server also features mcMMO for RPG-style stat leveling.


Server Review

Creativity: 4.5/5.0 – Surrealcraft offers a unique gameplay experience with its focus on raiding and faction-based PvP.

Challenge: 4.0/5.0 – The lack of chest protection adds an extra layer of challenge to base building and defending.

Community: 4.5/5.0 – The server has a strong and active community that adds to the overall experience.

Overall Experience: 4.3/5.0 – Surrealcraft provides an engaging and competitive environment for players looking for a PvP-focused server.


Q: Is griefing allowed on Surrealcraft?

A: Yes, griefing and raiding are allowed and encouraged on the server.

Q: Is there chest protection on Surrealcraft?

A: No, there is no chest protection on the server, so players must secure their loot through other means.

Final Thoughts

Overall, Surrealcraft offers a unique and challenging gameplay experience for players interested in faction-based PvP and raiding. The active community adds to the fun and competitive atmosphere of the server. If you’re looking for a server that pushes your PvP skills to the limit, Surrealcraft is worth checking out.