TownX Minecraft Server

Table of Contents

About the Server

TownX is a borderless survival server set to “Super-hard Mode.” Your land claims are protected here, but nothing else is safe. Hostile mobs rank up just like you do, and have the same access to supervanilla EcoEnchants that you have. Giants spawn in the wilderness and in the darkest of caves, so beware! Teamwork and community make it fun, but if you’re looking for a place to also prove your mettle, TownX Marks The Spot.

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5 – The unique setting of TownX and the challenges it presents show a high level of creativity.

Challenge: 5.0 – TownX is not for the faint of heart, providing a tough survival experience that will test your skills.

Community: 4.0 – The server fosters a strong sense of community and teamwork among players.

Overall Experience: 4.5 – TownX offers a challenging and engaging experience for players looking for something different in Minecraft.


Q: Is PvP allowed on TownX?

A: No, TownX is a PvE server focused on survival and cooperation.

Q: Are there any special rules on TownX?

A: Yes, players are expected to respect each other and work together to survive in the harsh environment.

Final Thoughts

TownX offers a unique and challenging survival experience for Minecraft players. With its tough “Super-hard Mode” setting and emphasis on community, it provides a refreshing change of pace for those looking for something different in the game. If you’re up for a challenge and enjoy working with others to survive, TownX is the place for you.