Spikeycraft Server Details

Spikeycraft Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

Server name: Spikeycraft

Server type: Survival Kingdoms

IP: play.spikeycraft.com

Website: www.spikeycraft.com

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5/5.0

This server is bursting with creativity, from custom mobs and items to unique worlds and planets. The magic spells and equipment add a whole new level of gameplay.

Challenge: 4.0/5.0

The server offers a good balance of challenge with its custom mobs and bosses. Players will have to strategize and work together to overcome these obstacles.

Community: 4.5/5.0

The server has a strong and active community, with player shops, server shops, and npc shops. The towny aspect allows players to collaborate and build together.

Overall Experience: 4.5/5.0

Overall, Spikeycraft offers a unique and engaging experience for players looking for a mix of survival and creativity. The server’s features and community make it a standout choice for Minecraft enthusiasts.


Q: Can I join the server with mods?

A: Spikeycraft is a Java 1.16.4-1.16.5 server with no mods required. Simply connect using the provided IP.

Q: Are there any pay-to-win elements on the server?

A: Spikeycraft is EULA compliant and does not have any pay-to-win features. Players can progress through gameplay and skill.

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking for a server that offers a mix of survival, creativity, and community, Spikeycraft is the place to be. With its custom features and active player base, you’re sure to have a great time exploring and building in this unique Minecraft world.