PoolMC <a href="https://newminecraftservers.com/servers/10-satire/">Server</a> Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

PoolMC is a Survival OP Minecraft server with intense PvP battles, clan wars, and epic events. The server is accessible without a premium account and offers features like Netherite Pot/Gap and Crystal PvP. Join the fun at poolmc.net:19132!

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5

The server’s unique events and PvP enhancements showcase a high level of creativity.

Challenge: 4.0

The intense PvP battles and clan wars provide a challenging gameplay experience.

Community: 4.2

The server’s community is active and engaging, making it easy to form alliances and participate in clan wars.

Overall Experience: 4.3

PoolMC offers a thrilling and competitive Minecraft experience that keeps players coming back for more.


Q: Do I need a premium Minecraft account to play on PoolMC?

A: No, access to the server does not require a premium account.

Q: What are some of the main features of PoolMC?

A: Main features include intense PvP battles, clan wars, and epic events like Koths and Tournaments.

Q: How can I join the server?

A: Simply connect to poolmc.net:19132 in your Minecraft client.

Final Thoughts

PoolMC offers a unique and exciting Minecraft experience for players looking for intense PvP battles and clan wars. With a creative approach to gameplay and an active community, the server provides a challenging and engaging environment for players of all skill levels.