MinetiaGaming Server Details

MinetiaGaming Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

MinetiaGaming is a Faction PvP based server that has been around since 2012. The server is planning to expand to more game modes like HungerGames, MiniGames, Prison, and more. With a welcoming community and active players, MinetiaGaming aims to become the #1 Minecraft server once again.

Server Review

For young Minecrafters looking for a server with a mix of creativity, challenge, and a strong community, MinetiaGaming is the place to be. Here’s a unique review of the server:

Category Rating Commentary
Creativity 4.5 The server offers a variety of game modes and activities, keeping players engaged and entertained.
Challenge 3.5 The PvP and raiding aspects provide a good level of challenge for players looking for competitive gameplay.
Community 5.0 The welcoming community and active player base make MinetiaGaming a fun and social environment to be a part of.
Overall Experience 4.0 With a mix of creativity, challenge, and a strong community, MinetiaGaming offers an overall enjoyable Minecraft experience.


Q: What game modes does MinetiaGaming offer?

A: MinetiaGaming offers Faction, MCMMO, PvP, Raiding, and Survival game modes.

Q: How long has MinetiaGaming been around?

A: The server has been around since 2012.

Q: How can I join MinetiaGaming?

A: You can join by connecting to minetia.mcho.us:25587 or visiting their website at minetiagaming.enjin.com.

Final Thoughts

MinetiaGaming offers a diverse and engaging Minecraft experience for players of all ages. With a strong community, various game modes, and a welcoming atmosphere, it’s a server worth checking out. Whether you’re looking for creative building opportunities, challenging PvP battles, or just a fun community to be a part of, MinetiaGaming has something for everyone.