ZeroLine Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

ZeroLine is a survival RPG server with years of experience. Players can enjoy random enchantments, boss battles, faction creation, new items, pets, and much more. Join now and explore the world of ZeroLine!

Server Review

Category Rating Commentary
Creativity 4.5 The server offers a wide range of unique features and customizations that enhance the gameplay experience.
Challenge 3.5 The server provides a good balance of difficulty, keeping players engaged without being too overwhelming.
Community 4.0 The server has a friendly and active community, making it easy to connect with other players and form alliances.
Overall Experience 4.0 ZeroLine offers a fun and immersive Minecraft experience that caters to both casual and hardcore players.


Q: How do I join the server?

A: Simply enter the server IP “” in your Minecraft client and start playing!

Q: Is there a Discord server for ZeroLine?

A: Yes, you can join our Discord server here to chat with other players and stay updated on server events.

Q: What are the server’s main features?

A: ZeroLine offers survival RPG gameplay with custom enchantments, boss battles, factions, pets, and more. Explore the server to discover all the exciting features!

Final Thoughts

ZeroLine is a fantastic Minecraft server that offers a unique and engaging gameplay experience. With a friendly community and a wide range of features, players of all skill levels can enjoy exploring and building in this virtual world. Join ZeroLine today and start your adventure!