Hyperion <a href="https://newminecraftservers.com/servers/youtuber-office/">Minecraft Server</a>

Table of Contents

About the Server

Hyperion is a Minecraft server with a core concept of creating a simple, relaxing, and fair gameplay experience. The server is themed around technology and includes popular tech mods. Players are free to set and follow their own goals, whether it’s exploring the world, building empires, or creating automated production lines.

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5

The server offers a wide range of tech mods and allows players to unleash their creativity in building and automation.

Challenge: 3.5

While the server is not quest-based, players can challenge themselves by setting personal goals and tackling difficult tasks.

Community: 4.0

The server has a friendly and active community, with players helping each other out and engaging in various activities together.

Overall Experience: 4.0

Overall, Hyperion provides a fun and engaging experience for players looking for a fair and relaxed gameplay environment.


Q: I’m a new player, what should I do?

A: Follow the steps outlined on the Hyperion website to get started.

Q: How can I join the server?

A: Visit hyperion.minecraft.gr and click to join. You can also join the server’s Discord here.

Final Thoughts

Hyperion Minecraft Server offers a unique and enjoyable gameplay experience for players of all levels. With a focus on technology and creativity, players can explore, build, and collaborate in a fair and relaxed environment. Join Hyperion today and embark on your Minecraft adventure!