Tiki-Craft <a href="https://minecraft-servers-listing.com/flavor/how-do-you-breed-mooshrooms-in-minecraft/">Server</a> Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

Tiki-Craft is a non-Grief, no PvP Minecraft server with a mature community of over 26,000 players. The server offers ranks and plugins such as GeneralMarket, ChestShop, LibsDisguise, EchoPet, PlotMe, and more. Players are welcomed warmly and can always find help when needed. Join us at mc.Tiki-Craft.com!

Server Review

Category Rating Commentary
Creativity 4.5 The server offers a variety of plugins and features that enhance gameplay and allow for creative building opportunities.
Challenge 3.5 The server strikes a good balance between challenging gameplay elements and accessibility for all players.
Community 5.0 The community on Tiki-Craft is welcoming, supportive, and active, making it a great place to play and make friends.
Overall Experience 4.8 With a strong community, creative opportunities, and a good balance of challenge, Tiki-Craft offers an excellent overall experience for players.


How do I join the server?

To join Tiki-Craft, simply enter the server IP mc.Tiki-Craft.com in your Minecraft client.

Are there any rules on the server?

Yes, Tiki-Craft has rules in place to ensure a positive and respectful gaming environment. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the server rules before playing.

Can I create my own plugins on the server?

At this time, Tiki-Craft does not allow players to create their own plugins. However, you can suggest plugin ideas to the server staff for consideration.

Final Thoughts

Tiki-Craft is a fantastic Minecraft server with a vibrant community, creative opportunities, and a welcoming atmosphere. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, Tiki-Craft offers something for everyone. Join us today and experience the fun!