RezzCraft <a href="">Server</a> Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

RezzCraft is a small SMP server (Java) with Towny added. Players can join existing towns or create their own. The economy is based on selling diamonds back to the server or peer-to-peer trading. To keep a town running, players need to deposit in-game money into the town bank. There is an NPC in spawn where players can sell their diamonds.

Server Review

Category Rating Commentary
Creativity 4.5 The addition of Towny to the SMP server adds a unique twist to the gameplay, allowing for creative town-building and economic strategies.
Challenge 3.5 The server offers a moderate level of challenge, especially in managing town resources and competing in the economy.
Community 4.0 The server has a friendly and active community, with players collaborating on town projects and trading resources.
Overall Experience 4.0 RezzCraft provides a fun and engaging experience for players looking for a mix of survival, economy, and community interaction.


Q: How do I join a town on RezzCraft?

A: You can either join an existing town or create your own. Simply interact with the town NPCs in spawn to get started.

Q: How does the economy work on RezzCraft?

A: The economy is based on selling diamonds back to the server or engaging in peer-to-peer trading. Deposit money into your town bank to keep your town running.

Final Thoughts

RezzCraft offers a unique and engaging Minecraft experience with its combination of survival gameplay, town-building mechanics, and player-driven economy. The active community and creative opportunities make it a server worth checking out for players looking for a mix of challenge and camaraderie.