Triad MC Server

Table of Contents

About the Server

Welcome to Triad MC! We are a quaint server that offers a quality Minecraft experience with friendly staff and a good community. We have three main things that make up Triad MC:

  • Survival (Regular Minecraft Survival)
  • Creative (Creative Plots Plugin)
  • Hardmode+ (A plugin that makes Minecraft 10x harder than vanilla)

For more detailed information about Triad MC, visit

At Triad MC, we welcome players of all ages. If you’re looking for a bigger challenge than vanilla Minecraft, give Triad a try!

Server Review

For young Minecrafters looking for a unique and challenging experience, Triad MC is the place to be. Here’s a breakdown of the server based on different categories:

Creativity: 4.5/5.0

The server offers a variety of gameplay modes and plugins that enhance the overall Minecraft experience. The Creative Plots Plugin allows players to unleash their creativity, while the Hardmode+ plugin adds an extra layer of challenge.

Challenge: 5.0/5.0

Triad MC is not for the faint of heart. The Hardmode+ plugin truly makes the game 10 times harder than vanilla Minecraft, providing a thrilling challenge for players who seek it.

Community: 4.0/5.0

The community at Triad MC is friendly and welcoming. Players of all ages are encouraged to join, creating a diverse and inclusive environment for everyone to enjoy.

Overall Experience: 4.5/5.0

Overall, Triad MC offers a unique and engaging Minecraft experience that is sure to keep players coming back for more. With a combination of creativity, challenge, and a supportive community, this server is a must-try for any Minecraft enthusiast.


Q: Are there any age restrictions on the server?

A: No, players of all ages are welcome at Triad MC.

Q: What are the basic rules of the server?

A: The basic rules include no griefing, no verbal attacks, PG chat, no hacks, no advertising, and no random killing. For more detailed rules, visit

Final Thoughts

Triad MC is a server that offers a unique and challenging Minecraft experience for players of all ages. With a focus on creativity, challenge, and community, this server is sure to provide hours of entertainment for any Minecraft enthusiast. Give Triad MC a try and see for yourself!