TrueSMP Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

TrueSMP is a semi-survival server founded in 2016. We are a community-driven server that is always trying to be different from other servers. Our motto is “Community First” and we prioritize creating an epic community experience for all players. Some of the features we offer include rankups, land claiming, McMMo, marriage, auctions, token shop, and quests/challenges. Join today and become part of our unique and friendly community!

Provocative Review

Creativity: 4.5 – TrueSMP offers a variety of unique features and events that keep players engaged and excited.

Challenge: 3.5 – The server provides a good balance of difficulty, making gameplay challenging but not overwhelming.

Community: 5.0 – TrueSMP excels in creating a welcoming and supportive community where players can connect and have fun together.

Overall Experience: 4.8 – TrueSMP offers a fantastic overall experience with its creative features, challenging gameplay, and strong community engagement.


Question Answer
How do I rank up on TrueSMP? Ranking up on TrueSMP is easy! Simply participate in server events, complete quests, and engage with the community to earn ranks.
Can I claim land on the server? Yes, players can claim land on TrueSMP to protect their builds and resources.
Is there a token shop on TrueSMP? Yes, TrueSMP has a token shop where players can purchase unique items and perks.

Final Thoughts

TrueSMP is a server that truly prioritizes its community, offering a range of features and events to keep players engaged and connected. With a strong emphasis on creativity and a welcoming atmosphere, TrueSMP provides an excellent gaming experience for players of all ages. Join today and experience the magic of TrueSMP!