UnearthedCraft Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

UnearthedCraft is a friendly, no-griefing light survival server with plugins that enhance vanilla gameplay and allow for greater player builds. Players can compete in the economy with shops, participate in mob arena, and much more. The server has basic and non-restrictive rules to ensure an enjoyable experience for all.

Additionally, the server features /hunt, a destructible FFA PvP map using guns and custom weapons. Players can use their own texture packs along with the small resource pack provided for the guns.

If this sounds like the server for you, apply for the whitelist at www.unearthedcraft.com.

Provocative Review

Creativity: 4.5/5.0 – UnearthedCraft offers a variety of plugins and features that enhance gameplay and allow for creative builds.

Challenge: 3.5/5.0 – The server provides challenges through PvP events like /hunt and mob arena, but may not be extremely challenging for experienced players.

Community: 4.0/5.0 – The server has a friendly community with basic rules to ensure a positive experience for all players.

Overall Experience: 4.0/5.0 – UnearthedCraft offers a fun and engaging environment for players looking for a light survival experience with added features.


Q: How can I join the server?

A: You can apply for the whitelist at www.unearthedcraft.com.

Q: What is /hunt on the server?

A: /hunt is a destructible FFA PvP map using guns and custom weapons for players to enjoy.

Q: Are there any specific rules on the server?

A: The server has basic and non-restrictive rules to ensure a positive experience for all players.

Final Thoughts

UnearthedCraft offers a unique and engaging Minecraft experience for players looking for a light survival server with added features. With a friendly community and various plugins to enhance gameplay, it’s definitely worth checking out for Minecraft enthusiasts.