7g1ball Minecraft Server

Table of Contents

About the Server

Welcome to the 7g1ball Minecraft server! This server is all about anarchy and freedom. There are no rules, allowing players to create clans, destroy anything they like, and truly embrace chaos.

Server Name: 7g1ball

Server Type: Anarchy

Server IP:

Server Version: 1.20.1

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5

The lack of rules on this server allows for unlimited creativity. Players can truly let their imaginations run wild and create unique structures and designs.

Challenge: 3.0

With no rules and complete anarchy, the challenge on this server comes from surviving and thriving in a chaotic environment where anything can happen at any moment.

Community: 2.5

The community on this server is diverse and unpredictable. Players must navigate alliances, betrayals, and rivalries to survive, making for an interesting social dynamic.

Overall Experience: 4.0

The 7g1ball Minecraft server offers a unique and thrilling experience for players looking for a true anarchy server. The freedom to do anything and the constant sense of danger make for an exciting gameplay experience.


Q: Are there any rules on this server?

A: No, there are no rules on the 7g1ball server. Players are free to do whatever they like.

Q: Can I create clans on this server?

A: Yes, players are encouraged to create clans and alliances to survive in the chaotic environment.

Q: Is griefing allowed on this server?

A: Yes, griefing is allowed and even encouraged on this server.

Final Thoughts

The 7g1ball Minecraft server is not for the faint of heart. It offers a unique and intense gaming experience for players who thrive in chaos and unpredictability. If you’re looking for a server where anything goes and creativity knows no bounds, then this is the server for you.