CrusadeCraft Server Details

CrusadeCraft Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

CrusadeCraft is a geopolitics towny server with an earth map. The server is built on a vanilla experience with simple towny/geopolitics mechanics. The staff members are friendly, non-toxic, and always ready to help. The server guarantees 24/7 uptime and does not have any features that would destroy your game assets.

Server Review

Category Rating Commentary
Creativity 4.5 The server’s use of geopolitics and towny mechanics adds a unique twist to the gameplay experience.
Challenge 3.5 The server provides a moderate level of challenge, suitable for players of all skill levels.
Community 5.0 The friendly and helpful community makes the server a welcoming place for players to interact and collaborate.
Overall Experience 4.0 CrusadeCraft offers a unique towny experience with a supportive community, making it a great choice for players looking for a friendly server.


Q: What version of Java is supported on CrusadeCraft?

A: Only 1.19.4 or newer Java versions are supported on the server.

Q: Are there any custom features on the server?

A: The server is built on a vanilla experience with only simple towny/geopolitics mechanics.

Q: Is the server uptime guaranteed?

A: Yes, the server guarantees 24/7 uptime, excluding maintenance times.

Final Thoughts

CrusadeCraft offers a unique towny experience with a friendly community and supportive staff members. The server’s focus on geopolitics and towny mechanics adds an interesting twist to the gameplay. Overall, it is a great choice for players looking for a welcoming and engaging Minecraft server.