AMinecraft <a href="">Server</a> Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

AMinecraft is a semi-vanilla Minecraft server founded in 2012. The server has recently undergone updates including a new spawn, plugin fixes, and a new Spleef arena. They host events such as mining and PvP events and are open to suggestions. Join the community at

Server Review

Category Rating Commentary
Creativity 4.5 The server’s new additions and events show a high level of creativity.
Challenge 3.5 The server offers a moderate level of challenge for players.
Community 5.0 The server has a welcoming and active community that enhances the overall experience.
Overall Experience 4.0 AMinecraft provides a fun and engaging experience for players of all levels.


Q: How can I join the server?

A: You can join the server at

Q: What events does the server host?

A: The server hosts mining events, PvP events, and is open to suggestions for more events.

Final Thoughts

AMinecraft is a vibrant and welcoming community for Minecraft players. With regular events and updates, players can enjoy a variety of activities on the server. Join today and be a part of the fun!