Professional Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

Professional Server is a pure vanilla SMP server that offers a variety of gameplay modes including Creative, Skyblock, Factions (WIP), Miniworld, KNBSlimes, and Duels. Players can rank up to unlock new features and participate in monthly events. The server has unique rules that add to the overall experience.

Server Review

Category Rating Commentary
Creativity 4.5 The server offers a wide range of gameplay modes and events, keeping things fresh and exciting for players.
Challenge 3.5 While some aspects of the server can be challenging, there are also opportunities for more casual gameplay.
Community 4.0 The server has a welcoming community that adds to the overall enjoyment of the gameplay experience.
Overall Experience 4.0 Professional Server offers a well-rounded experience for players of all skill levels, with something for everyone to enjoy.


How do I rank up on the server?

Players can rank up by completing various in-game challenges and objectives.

Are there any special events on the server?

Yes, the server hosts monthly events for players to participate in.

Can I play on the server with friends?

Yes, players can team up with friends and explore the different gameplay modes together.

Final Thoughts

Professional Server offers a diverse and engaging gameplay experience for Minecraft players. With a variety of modes to explore and a welcoming community, players of all skill levels can find something to enjoy on this server.