Sector Alpha Survival Server

Table of Contents

About the Server

Welcome to Sector Alpha Survival, a vanilla Minecraft server where players can experience the true survival gameplay without extensive plugins. Explore the wilderness or visit past player builds. With no whitelist, anyone can join as long as they follow the server rules. Check out the creative world for large plots to plan and create structures before moving them to the survival world.

Server Review

As a young Minecrafter, I dove into Sector Alpha Survival with high hopes and a hunger for adventure. Here’s my unique take on the server:

Creativity: 4.5

The server encourages creativity with its open world and creative plots. Building structures and exploring past player builds adds a layer of inspiration to the gameplay.

Challenge: 3.5

The survival aspect provides a decent challenge, especially for newer players. However, more experienced players might find it lacking in difficulty.

Community: 4.0

The server’s community is welcoming and friendly. Interacting with other players and mods adds to the overall experience of playing on Sector Alpha Survival.

Overall Experience: 4.0

My time on Sector Alpha Survival was filled with fun, creativity, and a sense of community. While there were some challenges, the overall experience was enjoyable and memorable.


Q: Is there a whitelist to join the server?

A: No, there is no whitelist. Anyone can join as long as they follow the server rules.

Q: Are there any specific rules to follow on the server?

A: Yes, the rules include no griefing/trolling, being respectful of mods and other players, not begging for items, and having fun.

Q: Can I explore past player builds on the server?

A: Yes, you can visit past player builds to get inspiration and explore the history of the server.

Final Thoughts

Sector Alpha Survival offers a unique and enjoyable Minecraft experience for players of all levels. With a focus on creativity, community, and challenge, the server provides a well-rounded gameplay environment that keeps players coming back for more. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, Sector Alpha Survival has something for everyone.