VanillaSurvival <a href="">Server</a> Review

Table of Contents

About the Server

VanillaSurvival is a simple, vanilla Minecraft server that offers a true survival experience without any fancy commands or restrictions on in-game mechanics. Players can team up with friends, explore, build, and fight their way through the game. The server features cross-platform compatibility, bi-weekly end resets, and a friendly community of players.

Server Review

Creativity: 4.5

The server allows players to unleash their creativity by removing restrictions on in-game mechanics, allowing for unique builds and projects.

Challenge: 3.5

While the server offers a vanilla survival experience, the lack of advanced commands may pose a challenge for some players.

Community: 4.0

The friendly owners and staff, along with the active Discord community, create a welcoming environment for players to connect and collaborate.

Overall Experience: 4.0

VanillaSurvival offers a true vanilla Minecraft experience with endless possibilities for players to explore and enjoy.


Q: Can I use mods on the server?

A: VanillaSurvival is a vanilla server, so mods are not allowed. However, resource packs are allowed.

Q: Are there any restrictions on building?

A: There are no restrictions on building, allowing players to build freely and creatively.

Q: How often are end resets done?

A: End resets are done bi-weekly to ensure new players have the opportunity to explore the end dimension.

Final Thoughts

VanillaSurvival offers a refreshing and authentic Minecraft experience for players looking for a true survival challenge. With a welcoming community and endless possibilities for creativity, this server is a must-try for any Minecraft enthusiast.