Genesis SMP Server Details

Table of Contents

About the Server

Welcome to Genesis SMP, a cute little vanilla 1.19.2 server that is about a month old. The server offers a beautiful seed with vast mountainscapes and bountiful biomes to explore. With a close-knit community and virtually lag-free hosting, Genesis SMP is the perfect place to build, explore, and make new friends.

Server Review

Category Rating Commentary
Creativity 4.5 The server’s spawn revamp and focus on community building show a high level of creativity.
Challenge 3.5 While the server offers some challenges like defeating the ender dragon, it could benefit from more difficult tasks.
Community 5.0 The close-knit and welcoming community makes players feel valued and listened to, creating a wholesome environment.
Overall Experience 4.0 Genesis SMP offers a unique and enjoyable experience for players looking for a friendly and active server.


What is the server IP?

The server IP is

How can I join the server?

To join the server, please join our Discord at and follow the instructions for whitelisting.

Is the server modded?

No, Genesis SMP is a vanilla server running Minecraft 1.19.2.

Final Thoughts

Genesis SMP offers a welcoming and creative environment for players to enjoy vanilla Minecraft with a close-knit community. With beautiful landscapes and a focus on community building, this server is perfect for players looking for a wholesome and enjoyable experience.